Subscribe to Harland’s “Mentor Coach Train Blog”

Your life and my life is constantly changing. Kind of like this winding road.

Whether we like it or not, we are always in the process of writing new chapters. Stuff happens out there in the world around us or in our own internal thoughts and plans.

The challenge is navigating these transitions.

As a Pastor and Army Chaplain for over 45 years, I have walked alongside many, many people as they faced major changes in their lives. For example

  • starting a new business
  • getting a promotion at work
  • a change in a relationship
  • the death of a loved one
  • a faith decision
  • marriage or a new baby
  • changes in the economy
  • moving to a new town
  • retirement

What is the change you are trying to navigate in your life?

I enjoy serving folks who, like you, are in the midst of some sort or change in life. I facilitate MASTERMINDS. I provide COACHING relationships.

Check out the BLOG where I share a daily quote or an article or a link to a resource.

Notice the EVENTS, such as my weekly Facebook Live conversation on Thursdays at 10:00 a.m. (Eastern Time)

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