Napoleon Hill Quote
Something to think about, don’t you think?
Goethe Quote
Who are you? What will you be?
Mark Cole Quote
Two good questions to ask ourselves. Might be good to ask our spouse, our siblings, our children, our friends, our neighbors…
Thomas Carlyle Quote
This purpose thing is pretty important, isn’t it. But, only if you want to get somewhere.
Stephen Covey Quote
One way in. Another way out. What do you think is the way out, if talking your way out won’t work?
Try. Learn. Try again.
And if that doesn’t work. Try. Learn. Try again, again.
Parker Palmer Quote
Take a look at the two guys sharing a meal together. Making a difference can be as simple as a conversation.
Aesop Quote
Even Aesop’s fables recognize the value of gratitude.
J. J. Watt Quote
With what currency do you pay the rent for your success in life?