It doesn’t exactly sound right, but it is. Every beginning requires an ending before it can begin.
Birth is the ending of a nine-month pregnancy. Graduation from school is called commencement.
This year, 2020, has to end before 2021 can begin. “The end is where we start from.” Not the best English grammar, but true just the same.
What will need to end in our lives before we can start a new beginning. Every change in our life has both an ending and a beginning. Some endings are hard, like losing a job or the death of a loved-one. Some endings are sweet, like turning in the last paper and exam for a degree program or completing all the paperwork for the purchase of your new home.
I remember a year ago wanting to read through the Bible in a year again. I had to end a period of not reading the Bible that way and make time for 3 chapters a day. I now have about 90 chapters left, planning to finish this challenge in about a month. I wonder what new beginning will grow out of this new ending.
As we get ready for the start of the New Year, what are you thinking about ending…. so you can have that new beginning you want in your life?
Very interesting question. I am thinking of the narrator of “How Green Was My Valley who is considering the packing of his stuff as he prepares to leave that place. At some time in the coming year, we will pack up our things and leave this place in which I have lived for almost 70 years. We are moving North. I don’t know anyone who has ever retired North. But being half NC redneck and half Connecticut Yankee, I guess it will be doable. The payoff will be having our grandchildren as next door neighbors. But still….
You have a huge challenge ahead, both physically and emotionally, making this move. It appears you have researched both aspects, looked at the pros and cons, and are ready for the adventure. Happy New Year.