CLEAR YOUR MIND OF “CAN’T” Of course there are things I “can’t” do, or at least shouldn’t do, or won’t do. I won’t play professional football or basketball, for example. I’m not good enough, big enough, young enough… But, Samuel
Calvin Coolidge Quote
CHRISTMAS — A STATE OF MIND Really? What does Calvin Coolidge mean by this? For many Christmas is presents, parties, family get togethers, cookies, decorations… For some of us Christmas is a story about the birth of Jesus, singing carols,
Francis of Assisi
Good old Francis of Assisi. His prayer has touched and led many people through the centuries. This part of the prayer is hitting me today, as I think about all the people on the front lines caring for those who
Give Gratitude Quote
GRATITUDE NEEDS TO BE GIVEN I know Thanksgiving is well over a week ago now. But, let’s talk about gratitude a bit more. There is something about gratitude that leads to expressing it, giving it away. It is not enough
Helen Keller Quote
She would know, wouldn’t she. She fought this truth for the longest time. She would only see the suffering. That is until she saw the overcoming of it. In her own life, through the help of a caring friend. Right
Zig Ziglar Quote
It does take more than just thinking about it. And more than considering doing it. Or even saying you will do it. Zig Ziglar is right. You and I have to start, have to take that first step. We have
Observe Quote
I wouldn’t say I am wise, but I sure have been encouraged to observe, to reflect, to explore… My grandfather was a physician and a musician and he taught me this. My dad was a college professor and a real
Napoleon Hill Quote
More and more I am aware how true this is. So many times throughout life, I have waited for the time to be just right. A few times the wait was the right thing to do. Most of the time,
Henry Ford Quote
Against the wind. Perhaps we can learn from the airplane or the duck or the people who have pushed through the obstacles in life. A baby doesn’t learn to walk by just sitting there observing others walk, thinking about walking.