Would you walk around all day with an open umbrella, just in case it rains?  Is it worth the energy?

Letting anxious thoughts take control within our minds is like that or worse, like driving with your foot on the brake. 

When we are anxious, we tend to be living in the future, worrying about something that might happen.  I don’t know about you, but this is tiring for me.  Perhaps there is a better way.

There is.  Fold up that umbrella.  Take your foot off the brake.  But, how?  How do we reel ourselves back into the present moment.

It is difficult, isn’t it?  We are designed to be on high alert for danger.  A part of our brain is constantly looking for danger and thrusts us into flight or flight.  Sometimes this alert part of our brain is helpful, valid.  Sometimes it gets in the way, takes over.

Here is a simple technique to try to regain control and bring yourself back to the present from this future-oriented worry and anxiety.  It is called the 3-3-3 tool.  Try it out and see if it works for you.  It does for me.

The next time you find yourself spiraling into a tornado of anxious thoughts do these three things.  Look around you and name three things you see.  Then, name three things you hear.  Finally, move three parts of your body.

This 3-3-3 tool can help draw you back, center your mind, bring you into the present moment, turn your thoughts away from your anxiety.

How did it work for you?

Stay in the Present

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