Of course there are things I “can’t” do, or at least shouldn’t do, or won’t do. I won’t play professional football or basketball, for example. I’m not good enough, big enough, young enough…
But, Samuel Johnson’s statement speaks to me and to you anyway. It is a statement about our attitude, our mindset.
There are things I haven’t done yet. There are things that will be difficult for me to do. There are things that are a challenge, a huge challenge for me.
But, by and large, I have taken “can’t” out of my vocabulary.
Sure, I have heard voices such as “You can’t run 26+ miles.”, “You can’t buy a $9 million apartment complex.”, “You can’t preach.”, “You can’t start a new business at age 70.”
Abraham and Sarah couldn’t have children (or so they previously thought). Moses didn’t think he could confront Pharaoh. Mary didn’t think she could have a baby. God helped them clear their mind and their lives of “can’t”.
By God’s grace and deep sense of calling in my life, I have done many things that I thought I couldn’t do. And so can you. As the scriptures say, “I can do all things, through Christ who strengthens me.”
Let’s change from saying “I can’t” to “I haven’t done that yet.”