Of course there are things I “can’t” do, or at least shouldn’t do, or won’t do. I won’t play professional football or basketball, for example. I’m not good enough, big enough, young enough…

But, Samuel Johnson’s statement speaks to me and to you anyway. It is a statement about our attitude, our mindset.

There are things I haven’t done yet. There are things that will be difficult for me to do. There are things that are a challenge, a huge challenge for me.

But, by and large, I have taken “can’t” out of my vocabulary.

Sure, I have heard voices such as “You can’t run 26+ miles.”, “You can’t buy a $9 million apartment complex.”, “You can’t preach.”, “You can’t start a new business at age 70.”

Abraham and Sarah couldn’t have children (or so they previously thought). Moses didn’t think he could confront Pharaoh. Mary didn’t think she could have a baby. God helped them clear their mind and their lives of “can’t”.

By God’s grace and deep sense of calling in my life, I have done many things that I thought I couldn’t do. And so can you. As the scriptures say, “I can do all things, through Christ who strengthens me.”

Let’s change from saying “I can’t” to “I haven’t done that yet.”

Samuel Johnson Quote

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